Hudson-Mohawk Professional
Geologists Association

Membership Information

Membership renewal or application may be made on-line here, or by submitting the Membership Application form by mail or at one of the monthly meetings. For corporate membership applications, please contact the current vice-president. Contact information can be found here.

The membership categories of this Association shall be: AIPG Member, Non-AIPG Member, Student Member and Corporate Member. It is up to the discretion of the Board of Directors to approve or deny membership based on qualifications.

  1. AIPG Member - Any person who is a member of the American Institute of Professional Geologists.
  2. NON-AIPG Member- Any other person who practices and/or has a degree with a major in the Earth Sciences shall be eligible to be a NON-AIPG Member.
  3. Student Member- Any full time graduate or under-graduate college student who is studying Earth Sciences shall be eligible to be a Student Member. Upon termination of full-time college work such student membership shall cease, and application for membership as set forth herein may be made.
  4. Corporate Member- Any corporation or organization whose activities and/or interests concern the science of geology and the advancement of the objectives of the Association.

    Corporate Membership - Admission to and continuation of membership shall be contingent upon: (1) a professional interest in the science of geology and (2) payment of dues.  Information on corporate membership and advertising opportunities can be found here.

    Rights and Privileges of Corporate Members:

    1. One designated representative of a corporate member (not already holding an Individual Membership) shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to membership vote.
    2. Election to office shall be the privilege of the person designated as Corporate Representative.
    3. Annual dues for a Corporate Member shall be one-hundred dollars.

Please use the on-line membership application below or printout the appropriate form and return by mail or in person at one of the monthly meetings.

Individual Membership Form

Corporate Membership/Advertisement Form

Select membership level

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* Membership level
© Hudson-Mohawk Professional Geologists Association
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software